Posts by annaleah

My minyan will likely want to keep broadcasting on Zoom after the pandemic is over and we are back in person. As someone who doesn’t use technology on Shabbat, what does that mean for me? Should I decline to lead or read Torah or have an aliyah knowing that it is being broadcast? JewishPublicMedia · Responsa Radio Ep. 75: How will we return to running minyanim virtually and...

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The rollout of a vaccine involves trying to answer impossible questions about prioritizing one life over another. What Jewish values are in play when thinking about this? What is my personal responsibility once the vaccine was offered to me, even if I don’t think it’s strictly necessary for me to take it? Tune in to this episode as Rabbi Ethan Tucker and Rabbi Avi Killip dive into this timely halakhic question. JewishPublicMedia ·...

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This week on Responsa Radio: Can the essence of obligation to visit the sick and comfort mourners really be fulfilled over Zoom? How are we to fulfill our (interpersonal) obligations while keeping ourselves safe and without making this pandemic worse? Tune in to learn from Rabbi Ethan Tucker and Rabbi Avi Killip as they dive into this timely halakhic...

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Ever wanted to know the answer to some deep and challenging questions in halakhah (Jewish Law)? Join Rabbis Ethan Tucker, Avi Killip, with questions sent in by you on all sorts of details of Jewish law. This is a joint project between the Center for Jewish Law and Values and Jewish Public Media. In This Episode: Can I staff a suicide hotline on Shabbat? Have a question about Jewish law you’d like answered on the show? Send an email to...

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